Who Initiated The First kiss? #couplechallenge

Pushparaj Subedi

A new trend ‘couple challenge’ is gaining a huge popularity among the social media users these days. #couplechallenge has engulfed social networking sites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with couples posting their beautiful pictures. Many are also uploading their tiok tok videos featuring their romantic mood and action on their FB walls.

I first saw such a posting when one of my FB friends tagged me in his posts mimicking #couplechallenge trend. It generated oodles of likes and comments while some ignored it. With coronavirus outbreak, many people have been confined to their homes. Extended lockdown also inspired many couples to resort to the funny couple challenge game to beat monotonous and anxiety arising from the virus.

Scenes of dances involving the people from different walks of life also surfaced on the internet. They included cop’s dance, hand washing dance, health workers’ dance, rooftop dance and many more.

Now #couplechallange has taken the social sites by storm.

The couple challenge is also known as the Q&A couple challenge. There are many audio clips in social media. One can try out this with their better half and have some fun during the in-door stay or self-imposed quarantine. You and your partner will be asked to close your eyes and answer a few questions. Then, you have to point out as to who did the challenge.

The questions range from personal matters to anything regarding the life and habit of couple. You may also record it so that one can tally up the points later on to see who won the challenge.

Each question is a perfect about which half of the couple is more likely to tend more strongly toward a particular characteristic, be it spending frivolously, showing stubbornness or affection. You answer either by pointing at the person who fits the character or some people hold up one of their shoes belonging to the guilty party for each question.

Be sure you’re having a good day before taking on the couple questions challenge, though some of these questions seem to have designed to stoke a fight! Of course, the beauty of a social media challenge is that you can make it your own, so if you don’t want to stir the pot with questions like “who loves the other person more” — hopefully the answer is that you love each other equally! You can always leave that one out.

Here are some questions the couple uses in their challenge session:

• Who initiated the first kiss?
• Who apologizes first after a fight?
• Who is the funny one?
• Who is more romantic?
• Who is the most patient?
• Who is the better cook?
• Who said I love you first?
• Who takes longer to get ready in the morning?
• Who is grumpier in the morning?
• Who is more stubborn?
• Who is the bigger baby when sick?
• Who is the social butterfly?
• Who is the messy one?
• Who spends the most money?

The questions are designed not only to discover how well you know each other but how self-aware you are about your role in some pretty common conflicts that arise in a relationship, particularly over issues like spending money and cleaning the room.

According to Republicworld, Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod were the first ones to popularize the couples challenge on social media (Instagram). They both answered questions ranging from who initiated their first kiss to who is grumpier in the morning. The couple is always known to pick up newer challenges on social media and attempt their hand at it. Jennifer Lopez on the other hand is widely popular on TikTok.

All challenges may not fit for all. Single people may dislike it, and some people feel ashamed of it. But this trend evolved and grew amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

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