Health Condition Of The Infected Lady Is Normal, Being Treated At Teku Hospital

By Saroj Dhungel, Kathmandu, Mar. 10: Health condition of the 19-year old girl who tested positive for COVID-19 has been normal and that she has been undergoing treatment at Shukra Raj Tropical and Infectitious Disease Hospital (STIDH), Teku. Dr. Sagar Rajbhandari, director of the STIDH, informed that she was undergoing treatment at the hospital.

“We have been treating her and her health condition is normal,” he said. Dr. Rajbhandari said that those people who flew to Kathmandu via Doha on the Qatar Airways with the virus infected lady are at high risk. Those who were in the same flight with the girl infected with the COVID-19 and those who came in close contact with her are at high risk of having infected and they all need to get tested, he said.

Family members and relatives of the infected girl have been kept in quarantine at their homes. Even before it was confirmed that she was infected with the novel coronavirus, the girl, who had come to Kathmandu from France via Doha, had been in quarantine at her home suspecting that she may have got infected and that she had contacted the Teku hospital few days after her arrival in oder for getting tested of the virus.
– The Rising Nepal

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